Monday, 5 November 2012

Calm before the storm

The new adventure begins! I have just left my job after 7 years and today I am off to Singapore, for a week, to enjoy a little rest and relaxation (and a little bit of work) with my friend Lesley. When I get back,  I start a demanding new role in a large organisation, that is sure to challenge me.

It was very sad to leave where I worked as the people there are very special. I made many close friends and although I know I will stay in contact with them, I will certainly miss seeing them on a daily basis.

I know my new challenge will certainly push me to my limits so I spent my weekend in refuge visiting my daughter's house down the south coast. I have come back ready to get started, looking forward to my week in Singapore and for the fast pace that I know will follow.

I am determined to keep up with my journalling, it will be so much more important for me now to help me keep my balance.

Here are a couple of pics I took at Jac's place, it was a great weekend and gave me some special time to get centred and ready.


Monica said...

Your pictures are beautiful and look so peaceful. Best of luck with your new path or maybe I should say adventure. Life is filled with new adventures! Enjoy the new challenge! :)

Unknown said...

Thank you for your kind words Monica. I agree without life's adventures, things would be pretty boring!

Unknown said...

Wow, great shots Yvonne you sound like you are rearing to go.
what an adventure you are starting on, keep focused.

Anonymous said...

Great photos as always, Vonniemay. Enjoy Singers and say HI to Leslie for me :-) Vxo